Retirement Options Report

It is important to understand your retirement options as there is a vast array of income-bearing products and benefits available.

This report can help create an understanding of your options:

  • How much income you will need.
  • What your tax liabilities are.
  • What an annuity will provide.
  • What drawdown capabilities you have.
  • How much tax-free cash you will have available.

Once you submit your details, there will be a short wait while your files are being generated for you. You will then be given a link to download your customised Retirement Options Report.


Understanding your report

Since Pension freedoms was announced in 2015 you have been free to design how and when you take income, enabling you to create a plan that best suits your retirement plans. Our personalised Retirement Options Report tailors the results specifically to your circumstance helping you understand what options can be available for you and what your money will provide.

The results within the report are only to be used as a guide and do not provide financial advice. Please speak to our advisers to discuss your report and fully understand your what options are best for you. All our advisers are fully qualified to advise and research the market.

  • The guide does not constitute as advice, as the results are only examples to help you understand how these options can work for you. For a financial adviser to create a suitable income strategy they need to understand your personal and financial circumstances in much more detail. This will allow them to provide advice and map out a plan for you and your retirement.

Can we help with any of your Retirement Options questions?

Call us

If you would like to speak to an adviser to discuss your options please call:

+44 (0) 808 141 0756

Opening hours

  • Monday – Friday: 9am – 5:30pm

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